Hereditary Cancer Predisposition Syndrome

Gender Neutral
Type Module
Testing Phase III - in development
Principal investigator(s)
Anne Oberguggenberger
Principal Investigator
Medical University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria
, Vassilios Vassiliou
Principal Investigator
Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre
Limassol, Cyprus
Study coordinator(s)
Veronika Engele
Principal Investigator
Medical University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria

Project summary

The identification of hereditary genetic variations associated with increased cancer risk – so called Hereditary Cancer (HC) – have become an integral part of medical oncology. Best-known examples are the Lynch Syndrome, hereditary breast- and ovarian cancer (BRCA1/ 2) or Li-Fraumeni syndrome.

The primary objective of this project is the development of a multi-lingual EORTC questionnaire for the assessment of the quality of life of individuals at risk for an HC with or without a previous cancer diagnosis.


Based on literature and interviews with affected individuals and health care professionals, we have developed a preliminary questionnaire targeting on QOL in counselees for hereditary cancer (phase 1/2).

Translations into 9 languages completed – available languages: English, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Greek, Arabic

Project phase 3a patient recruitment is ongoing


Current status:

We are currently pretesting the questionnaire (phase 3a). Patient recruitment has started, and several centers have already completed recruitment.

Future plans

– Completion of phase 3a expected by end of 2023/ early 2024
– Completion of phase 3b by end of 2024
– Publication of phase 1-3
– Initiation of a phase 4 international validation study

For patients

A small percentage of cancer diseases originate from hereditary genetic mutations. Individuals carrying these mutations, with and without a cancer disease, experience specific impairments of their quality of life. We are developing a questionnaire for assessing the quality of life of these individuals to support their clinical care as well as the research in this field.

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