Principal investigator(s)
Georg Kemmler
Innsbruck Medical University
Innsbruck, Austria
Project coordinator(s)
Jens Lehman
Medical University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria

Project summary

To make the QLQ-C30 applicable for health economic evaluations, a cancer-specific utility instrument based on ten dimensions of the QLQ-C30, the QLU-C10D, was developed. The present project is a continuation of the first QLU-C10D valuation project. It deals with the determination of QLU-C10D utility weights for further three European and two Asian countries. The project also covers investigations on the homogeneity/heterogeneity of QLU-C10D utility weights in European countries. This is important in view of a potential European QLU-C10D set of utility weights or regional versions of the instrument.


  • Papers on Hong-Kong and Danish valuations are under review. The paper with the utility weights for China is in preparation.
  • Determination QLU-C10D utility weights for all countries complete. Papers on Dutch and Spanish QLU-C10D value sets published. Paper on Hong-Kong valuations under review. Papers for Denmark and China in preparation.
  • Determination of Dutch, Spanish and Hong Kong QLU-C10D utility weights complete; data assessment for China finished. Papers on Dutch and Spanish QLU-C10D value sets published. Papers on Danish, Hong Kong and Chinese utility weights in preparation.
  • Determination of Dutch, Spanish and Hong Kong QLU-C10D utility weights complete; data assessment for China finished. Papers on Dutch and Spanish QLU-C10D value sets published. Data collection for the determination of Danish utility weights ongoing, after Covid-19 restrictions were largely liberalized.
  • QLU-C10D online valuation surveys for the Netherlands and Spain have been completed. Determination of Dutch QLU-C10D utility weights complete, analyses for Spain underway. Preparations for Chinese and and Hong-Kong valuations ongoing
  • Determination of Dutch, Spanish and Hong Kong QLU-C10D utility weights complete. The study on Dutch utility weights has been published. The study on Spanish utility weights has been submitted. Determination of utility weights for Denmark and China delayed due to COVID-19.

Current status:

QLU-C10D utility weights complete, publication ongoing.

Future plans

We are able to close the project once the utility datasets from the remaining countries are published.

For patients

This project is a continuation of our first QLU-C10D valuation project. The QLU-C10D is required for health-economic evaluations using the QLQ-C30. The first EORTC project covered five European countries. The new project extends the old one by establishing the required “utility weights” for further five countries, three European, and two Asian ones.



  • Kemmler G, Gamper E et al. (2018): Preferences for life domains differ across countries – findings from the QLU-C10D valuation project. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the ISOQOL. Abstract 3098.
  • King MT, Viney R, Pickard AS, Rowen D, Aaronson NK, Brazier JE, Cella DF, Costa DSJ, Fayers PM, Kemmler G, McTaggart-Cowen H, Mercieca-Bebber R, Peacock S, Street D, Young TA, Norman R (2018). Australian utility weights for the EORTC QLU-C10D, a multi-attribute utility instrument derived from the cancer-specific quality of life questionnaire, EORTC QLQ-C30. Pharmaco-Economics, 36(2):225-238.
  • Kemmler G, Gamper E, Nerich V, Norman R, Viney R, Holzner B, King M. German value sets for the EORTC QLU-C10D, a cancer-specific utility instrument based on the EORTC QLQ-C30. Qual Life Res. 2019 Dec;28(12):3197-3211.
  • Nerich V, Gamper EM, Norman R, King M, Holzner B, Viney R, Kemmler G. French Value-Set of the QLU-C10D, a cancer-specific utility measure derived from the QLQ-C30. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2020 Jun 15. doi: 10.1007/s40258-020-00598-1. PMID: 32537694
  • Gamper EM, King MT, Norman R, Efficace F, Cottone F, Holzner B, Kemmler G. EORTC QLU-C10D value sets for Austria, Italy, and Poland. Qual Life Res. 2020 May 26  Available from:
  • Jansen F et al. Dutch utility weights for the EORTC cancer-specific utility instrument: the Dutch EORTC QLU-C10D
  • Finch AP et al. Estimation of an EORTC QLU-C10D value set for Spain using a discrete choice experiment. Pharmacoeconomics. 2021 Sep;39(9):1085-109
  • Lehmann J et al. Functional health and symptoms in Spain before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health. 2021 May 1;21(1):837.


Planned publications:

  • Xu R et al. The EORTC QLU-C10D: the Hong-Kong valuation study. Manuscript under review
  • Lehmann J et al. Danish value sets for the EORTC QLU-C10D utility instrument (in review at Quality of Life Research)
  • Nan Luo et al. Determination of an EORTC QLU-C10D value set for China (tentative title). Paper to be  written.
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